Phone: +49 (0) 6258 - 90 46 20
Königsberger Strasse 1 - DE 64584 Biebesheim, Germany Show map

How to arrive at Our Location

Legend Hotel in Biebesheim on the Rhine

Legend Hotel is located in a quiet residential area on entrance to the city of Biebesheim and is conveniently located between Darmstadt and Mannheim, close to the highways A5 and A67. A train station with trains to Frankfurt and Mannheim is located 2 kilometers away and a bus stops just 100 meters from the hotel.

Take advantage of our convenient location to reputable companies in the commercial and industrial area of ​​Biebesheim. Guests have free parking available. Even with public transportation (train or bus), the hotel can be reached easily.

How to find us

From Frankfurt Airport

  • Take the highway A5 direction to Basel
  • Change at the Darmstadt intersection on the A67 towards Mannheim
  • Take Exit No. 7 and join the B426 towards Biebesheim
  • Continue straight at the L3361
  • Take the third exit in the circle on the 'Justus-von-Liebig-Straße/K163'
  • After about 2 km turn right onto Gernsheimer Strasse
  • After 200 meters turn right at the first intersection into Königsbergerstrasse

From the railway station Biebesheim

  • Head south on Eisenbahnstraße toward Heinrichstraße
  • Take the 1st left to stay on Eisenbahnstraße
  • Turn right onto Königsberger Straße

Our hotel is conveniently located along the highways A5 and A67. The trip to the Frankfurt Messe trade fair grounds takes about 40 minutes. Until the downtown Biebesheim it is a walk of approx. 4 minutes and Darmstadt can be reached within 20 minutes by car.


Booking request

Send us a message with your desired number of rooms, arrival date and number of nights you'd like to book, and we'll contact you in no time.

News & Discounts

  • Long-term rental from 30 days
    We are also happy to offer you long-term rental (with weekends) of our rooms for a booking period of 30 days or more. The price is EUR 59 per night for single occupancy and EUR 72 per night for double occupancy.
  • Discounts for regular guests
    Are you a regular guest in our house? Ask for regular booking discounts!
  • Discounts for business customers
    As company guest, you can expect exclusive rates. Ask at our reception desk to get further information.